BIM Revit Architecture + MEP + Dynamo + Families Complete Course
Teacher: Ramo Khem fiber_manual_record BIM Instructor at UCLA Extension
Teacher: Gavin Crump fiber_manual_record BIM Specialist
Teacher: Taco Pover fiber_manual_record BIM Manager
Course length
Final Certification
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Access for 5 years
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The course teaches how to design using the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method with BIM softwares and one of its most used plug-ins, Dynamo. It is composed of four different modules: BIM Architecture, BIM MEP, Advanced Programming and Families.
The first part of this course focuses on BIM softwares and consists of three packages - basic, intermediate and advanced. The course’s aim is to explain all the major features of the BIM software on a deeper level through detailed video courses. This course welcomes both first-time users of the software and those already familiar but want to learn more.
The second part addresses the BIM MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic Systems) discipline; this module demonstrates how to design an entire plant through building engineering (via management of spaces, ducts, fittings, unions, drains, etc.) and to process advanced calculations and parameters.
The third part explains how to use the free, open source visual programming software Dynamo as a plug-in for BIM softwares to design with the BIM method in an advanced way. The Dynamo interface uses BIM softwares to benefit from BIM in additional ways that are not possible with solely BIM software.
The fourth and last part of the course addresses the approach to Families, basic units of design in BIM containing essential information. BIM families are basically used to practically group together similar elements in a project done with BIM and so to speed up and personalize the design process.
Everyone who wishes to learn how to design with Building Information Modeling at an advanced level should purchase this course. In turn, you will be able to minimize errors and speed up processes, whether you are starting from scratch or already have a basic knowledge of BIM softwares.
The course also includes the registration to a dedicated Facebook group for any clarifications, questions or insights to be discussed with the teacher.